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4 Party Games for Halloween

post by Erica Minutella

A house party can be about so much more than gathering all of your friends together in the same space for good conversation and good eats. It can be a chance to celebrate the traits that make your friendships last: humor, creativity, imagination. It can be a chance to make memories that last just as long as those friendships. Most importantly, it can be a chance to have fun in the way only kids can: by finding adventure in the everyday.

What’s the easiest way to turn your house party into something that can achieve all of these? By coming up with a few clever (and affordable) party games, of course. Here are just a few we came up with in time for Halloween.

Ghost Light Ring Toss

Have a few empty wine bottles sitting around the house? Clean them out, remove the labels, and set them up for ring toss.

To add a ghostly vibe, drop a few blinking lights into the bottles, and use glow stick bracelets for the rings. You’ll be lassoing your own glowing ghosts in no time.

Dartboard Bug Battle

No, you don’t need to spend $50 on a new dartboard for this one. Just re-purpose a spare (but heavy-duty) bit of wood or cardboard, prop it up against a wall, and cover it with bug stickers. You will have to purchase a few darts, of course, but the satisfaction of taking out your creepy crawly enemies is well worth the spend.

Trick or Treat Hide and Seek

There’s nothing quite as satisfying as a scavenger hunt where everybody wins. Hide a few bags of Halloween candy around the house. Anyone who finds them, keeps the treats inside. (Just be sure to make note of where they’re hidden, so you can do a sweep in the after-party clean-up. You don’t want to find any surprise chocolate puddles in the summertime.)

Pillow Fort Fortune

It’s hard to forget the draw of a good pillow fort when you were young. Set up your adult-sized version of a fortune teller’s tent with a few throw pillows and some blankets. With the addition of some battery operated candles and a tarot deck, you and your friends can take turns predicting future romance and riches.

Want more fun suggestions for your next house party? Reach out to Christina Briglia anytime at 267.231.5484 or phc(dotted)christina(at)gmail(dotted)com