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How to Live Like a Roman: Philly-Style

Post by Erica Minutella

One thing the Romans knew how to do well was work hard, and play harder. This March 15, live like a Roman for a day and treat yourself to some middle-of-the-week luxury. Here are our recommendations for how to do Philly like a Roman:

To Market, To Market: While they may have been innovators in the field of plumbing, food storage was still a long way away from achieving long-term results. So Romans were pretty big on fresh groceries, which meant having to go to market every day.

It just so happens that the Reading Terminal Market is celebrating its 125th anniversary this year. Swing by the market after work and treat yourself to some fresh ingredients for dinner tonight. The Market is open till 6 pm.

Spa It Up: Speaking of plumbing – the Romans just loved public bathing. Okay – so maybe getting bathed with a bunch of other people isn’t quite your style – but relaxing in luxury certainly can be. Skip the bath house and go straight to the spa instead. We recommend Rescue Spa at 1601 Walnut Street, open till 8 pm.

A Night at the Theater: Entertainment was also a big deal for the busy Roman. And while gladiator matches might be a bit last millennium – luckily the Romans also had a healthy love of theater. There are tons of plays happening right now. Visit Theatre Philadelphia for a list of what’s showing around town this month.

Are you dying for a villa of your very own to come home to every night? One with a nice courtyard, some mosaics, a shrine or two? (Okay, maybe that’s a bit overkill but outdoor views and interesting architectural features we’ve got in spades.) Reach out to Christina Briglia, Realtor, anytime at 267.231.5484 or phc(dotted)christina(at)gmail(dotted)com to find your dream home.